19:00 – Belvédère Hotel (Cerbère)
Festival opening
+ Confinement – الحجر الصحي projection
Rachid Ouettassi & Philippe Fourcadier
+ #boza projection
Séverine Sajous & Anna Surinyach
+ cocktail

CONFINEMENT الحجر الصحي
In Tangier, the idea of confinement seemed, as for many, unbearable. Across the Mediterranean, the amazement was the same for him too. The two have known each other for a long time. So they decide to entrust their torments to photography. By photographic correspondence. One photograph per day that will travel one way. Then back. Then reunited. During the official time of confinement. The wait.
A film about people on the move from the African continent to Europe. With a first person narrative and using videos and selfies, Alhassane, Aminata, Mamadou, Mariam and Yahya tell their journeys and their goal of making “boza”. A word of disputed origin but with a precise meaning, “boza” is used by those trying to cross this particular border to describe the goal, and the act of successfully crossing. The film #boza removes all filters, becoming a collective selfie on migration.
11:00 – Rambla de Catalunya, 24 (Portbou)
Tests of things that will happen
Lara Amat, Erik Estany, Boris Mercado, Mer Cosco, Alejandra Rocabado, Magui Pichinini, Giulia Ferrari

This project talks about the virtual, the dystopian setting, the photographic multiplicity, safe spaces, unsafe spaces, time, body, movement, corners, family, monsters, inhabiting new, old, own and foreign worlds… What started as an attempt to capture the border as a concept, ended up being an excuse for a meeting which was as digital as sweet, to seek refuge in photography, to put the process at the center: shared creation as a way of resistance.
11:30 – Train station wall (Portbou)
Jungleye participative photography association (Séverine Sajous and Julie Brun)

Roboteca is a participatory photography workshop based on the topic of «identikit portrait». It is dedicated to the displaced, migrant and refugee populations, but also to the host communities. Turning this method of facial recomposition, Roboteca becomes a tool of expression, complaint, and also promotes social cohesion and stability as it gives psychological support to all participants. Working from self-portraits taken in a studio photography workshop, participants assemble pieces of faces to recreate new identities. In the corner of the eyes, or around the lips, the scars of these faces are witnesses of the path of exile.
12:00 – Customs office of Portbou’s train staition
Max Álvarez, Paolo Bernardi, Irma Estrada, Paco G. Robles, Marta Garcia, Sebastià Masramón, Dani Morán, Vanessa Roca, Alex Wix
In collaboration with the Walter Benjamin Summer School

Ínsula is a playful-creative interpretation of the perimeter of Portbou understood as an insular territory: surrounded by sea, mountains, railway tracks and administrative borders. Created during the first workshop of #LabPortbou, in January 2020, the project is presented as a collective exploration of the territory carried out in an impulsive and playful way, inspired by the situationist drift.
Aladeriva’s proposal was an invitation to be carried away by the sensations of the act of walking as an aesthetic practice, with the aim of addressing the subjective and sensitive geography of the territory while generating new narratives. Through the use of different methodologies in the artistic and social field such as photography, geography or ethnography, and using visual resources such as collage, cartography, or fieldnotes, we want to grasp what happens in the encounter between the territory and our experience in a determined and unrepeatable time and space.
12:30 – La Congesta (Portbou)
Presentation and projection
Collaborative project

A selection of #pandeMY’s files in audiovisual format. A collaborative project that brings together different cultural expressions about the moment of social and historical change that we are experiencing due to the current health crisis. Through the collection of international testimonies, we aim to make the citizens’ voices present in the reconstruction process that we are already addressing.

Covid Photo Diaries is a project created by eight Spanish photojournalists that documents the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in different parts of Spain.
Through the cameras of Anna Surinyach, Javier Fergo, José Colón, Judith Prat, Isabel Permuy, Manu Brabo, Olmo Calvo and Susana Girón we discover what life in confinement is like, what this new daily life is made of and how we deal with the epidemic.
This project was born with the vocation of becoming the interactive map of one of the most important events that we have experienced in recent decades. To the undoubted relevance of documenting the day-to-day life of this health alert and its consequences for the population, the enormous value that this visual, plural and broad testimony will have when everything is over is added. It will be the memory of what happened to us these days.
Covid Photo Diaries is a courageous response to the challenge of documenting a period that is changing our lives. It is a collaborative and pioneering proposal that, in addition to informing, inspires others and gives hope.
17:00 – Walter Benjamin Hall (Portbou)
At the borders of photography
Round table
In collaboration with the Walter Benjamin Summer School

The systematic exploration of borders has recently manifested itself through four schools of research: povera photography, experimental photography, tangible images and documentary fictions, whose works can be found in the small Salon Approche in Paris. Many contemporary creators approach them through diverse aesthetics and practices which also include new technologies in order to get a better focus of our everyday world on all kinds of mutations.
18:00 – Walter Benjamin Hall (Portbou)
The inhabited border
Round table
Irma Estrada, Sebastià Masramón, Jordi Lafon and aladeriva Lab
In collaboration with the Walter Benjamin Summer School

The inhabited border is the starting point from which we wander in order to enter into the creative process of “Insula”, a collective visual document focused on narrating the imaginary of Portbou’s territory through walking and the artistic and social practice, in a playful and relational way, thus turning the territory into an experiential place that allows us to explore and to produce non-conventional cartographies.
20:00 – Walter Benjamin Hall (Portbou)
Lost in Berlin
Walter Benjamin Summer School Programming

Imagined during their Marseille / Berlin cross-residency, “Lost in Berlin” is part of the text and music writing project of the musical duo Catherine Vincent “Benjamin, fragments”.
By playing with the letters of Walter Benjamin’s name, the artists created the anagram Jamel Ibntrewan. Imagining the Syrian exile as a refugee in Berlin, they decide to meet one another, following in the other’s footsteps. A century away, the same tumult?
21:00 – Chiringuito (Portbou)
Diaporama night
FotoLimo festival retrospective
+ Portbou (audiovisual)

10:00 – Customs office of Portbou’s train staition
Passport to the stars
Walter Benjamin Summer School Programming

The fear of death begins from the moment the human being has the capacity of reasoning. Although not all of us have the same degree of panic, we will hardly find individuals prepared for death. Pandemics play an important role in this issue. Fear causes the population to think irrationally and to behave like a herd.
This action aims to reflect on collective fears and the terror of dying. About how our behavior changes and we instinctively fight for survival.
In war times, escaping from horror, as in the case of Walter Benjamin, imply moments of physical and mental fatigue and enormous stress that influence the human psyche, wishing that suffering would end.
11:30 – Walter Benjamin Hall (Portbou)
The Angel of History (Angelus Novus)
Short Film
Walter Benjamin Summer School Programming

A border in Europe. A painting by Paul Klee. A poem by Walter Benjamin.
A film about yesterday and today, and how difficult it is to recognize one behind the other.
13:00 – SNCF train station (Cerbère)
#pandeMY – Future under construction
Patricio Cassinoni, Arnold R. Quicaño, Valiente Verde, Román Espinosa, Carloman Macidiano Céspedes, Eszter Halasi, Simon Moricz, Elena Kollatou & Leonidas Toumpanos, Francisco Úbeda, Jordi Salas, Edu León, Silvina Caserta, Chiara Ernandes, Gabo Caruso, Kika Antunes, Konstantinos Markogiannis, Rosa Lacavalla, Jorge Mónaco, Desyree Valdiviezo

A selection of #pandeMY’s files in an exhibition format. A collaborative project that brings together different cultural expressions about the moment of social and historical change that we are experiencing due to the current health crisis. Through the collection of international testimonies, we aim to make the citizens’ voices present in the reconstruction process that we are already addressing.

Drawing from his archives on the latest emerging social movements in France in 2018 and in Algeria in 2019, Lahcène Abib offers us in “Failles” (Cracks) a powerful and rich testimony of the events, sending us, at the same time, a vibrant tribute of empathy towards their different protagonists.
14:00 – Cerbère’s main square
Popular lunch
Price: 7€

An activity for all audiences where each participant can take their own photographs and develop them through a traditional, analog and very fun technique.