FotoLimo XS

25 – 27 September 2020


The COVID-19 crisis has altered the cultural context throughout the world, and FotoLimo has been no stranger to this situation. The pandemic reached us while working intensively on what was intended to be the most complete edition of the festival to date. Finally, we were forced to cancel most of the planned activities, such as the open call for artists or the exhibitions of the invited artists.

Despite the harsh circumstances we are experiencing, or precisely because of them, we have considered that it is more important than ever that FotoLimo continues to offer a space for meeting and reflection on the role of borders in a context in which, despite the social distance, communication and community action, are more necessary than ever.

That is why we have decided to go ahead with the festival adapting it to a new format. FotoLimo XS, with a total duration of three days, presents a program of exhibitions and activities around the issue of borders in the current context of global crisis. This program will integrate exhibitions, talks, and educational activities. A reduced edition in duration and programming, but with all the ingredients that characterize the FotoLimo festival.

Check the program!

© Alex Wix